Research genre and striking films within this genre
Speak with group on genre and direction of film opening,
create blog post
Create blog post on genre inspiration
Start working on storyboard
with group.
Write a blog post about beginning plans for shots, angles, and composition
Research characters typical of our genre choice
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Discuss and outline character personalities and appearances,
Begin writing script, ideally finish draft of script,
Finalize script, research the casting process and casting within our genre,
Create blog post about script
Discuss agreed upon vision for characters and set design with group
Write blog post about characters and set design
Cast actors for our film opening
Create blog post reflecting on casting experiences and justifications for chosen actors
Create filming schedule, work with group to ensure we agree on our ideas and execution
Write blog post
Location scouting, gather supplies needed for film opening, ensure all filming equipment is functioning well
Create blog post on set design and costume design
Begin filming, create a blog post about the first filming day
Continue filming
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Create blog post
Continue filming (if necessary)
Begin editing film opening and examine existing footage for possible reshoots
Alter ideas for shots which did not turn out well, create blog post
Reshoot footage which we felt was unsatisfactory,
create blog post
Edit reshot footage, continue editing film opening overall
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Create blog post on editing process
Finish editing on film opening, tweak it as a group until satisfied
Watch completed film opening multiple times, plan general outline for reflection, write blog post
Begin work on the Creative Critical Reflection (CCR)
Continue work on CCR, create a blog post
Rewatch existing CCR footage, change CCR appropriately
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Create blog post concerning CCR revisions
Finish work on CCR
Look over CCR, review for inconsistencies, correct any issues
Post completed film opening and CCR
Project due
As to allow for a degree on spontaneity in some of my postings, I have decided to not plan all blog post topics in advance. This should give me the flexibility to write about pressing matters or issues that arise before, during, or after production of the film opening. This schedule certainly isn't set in stone; if any issues or differences between planning and practice arise, these plans can be moved around.
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